Tribal Utility
The Blue Lake Rancheria’s utility authority, “Blue Lake Rancheria Department of Energy and Technologies” (DET) was formed in 2013 by Tribal Ordinance 13-02.
The DET works to attain energy self-sufficiency and to reduce GHG emissions in light of the established contributory effect GHGs have on climate change.
DET Objectives
- Build and maintain decarbonized systems and resources
- Advance resilient infrastructure and lifeline sectors (energy, water, food, transportation, communication/IT)
- Reduce production of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions
- Support the Tribe’s economic and community development goals
DET Utility Services
- Electricity
- Fuels (e.g., biodiesel, electric vehicle infrastructure, natural gas, propane)
- Water and wastewater services
- Recycling
- Sanitation
- Telecommunications
Illustrative Utility Community Programs
- Deliver cost savings via rapid transition to decarbonized energy sources
- Low-carbon Electricity Microgrids
- Community Microgrid (2017)
- Facility “Solar+” Microgrid (2018-19)
- Emergency Power
- Deliver cost savings with Energy Efficiency, Net Energy Metering Aggregation (NEMA), Virtual Net Metering, and similar programs.
- Workforce development
- With partners (e.g., GRID Alternatives; the National Renewable Energy Laboratory) support trainings and field study to create local jobs and increase tribal capacity.
- Energy/water nexus
- Smart water grid that serves the community as efficiently as possible.
- Emergency water supplies
- Energy/transportation nexus
- Decarbonized transportation programs including transitions to electric vehicle (EV) transit system, green fuels (e.g., biodiesel manufactured from onsite waste oil), green commuting programs
- Emergency transportation
- Telecommunications – increasing digital connectivity and speed (e.g., broadband)
- Green community resilience
Illustrative Utility Residential Programs
- Energy Audits
- Energy Efficiency Upgrades (lighting, heating/ventilation/air conditioning, water heating, insulation, appliances, others)
- Solar PV systems for residences
- Solar + battery storage systems for residences
- Solar + storage + EV charging stations for residences
- Low-income and hardship programs
- Water system upgrades
Dept. of Energy
& Technologies:
TEL: 707.668.5101
FAX: 707.668.4272
(for U.S. Postal Service):
Blue Lake Rancheria
PO BOX 428
Blue Lake, CA 95525
(for FedEx, UPS):
Blue Lake Rancheria
1 Aiyekwee Loop
Blue Lake, CA 95525